- Do not adjust your medicines based on measurement results from this blood pressure monitor. Take your medication as prescribed by your doctor. Only a doctor is qualified to diagnose and treat high blood pressure.
- Consult your physician before using the device during pregnancy, including pre-eclampsia, or if diagnosed with arrhythmia or arteriosclerosis.
- Do not use the device on the injured arm.
- Do not apply the arm cuff on the arm when you are on an intravenous drip or blood transfusion.
- Keep the monitor away from children and pets.
Question: What is the right time to measure blood pressure?
Answer: You can measure your blood pressure within one hour after you get up in the morning and before you go to bed at night.
Question: I have noticed a difference in the readings in my monitor and the equipment in my doctor's office. Is this normal?
Answer: You may notice different readings on different monitors since a person's blood pressure varies throughout the day. The readings may also change based on the activity of the person. This is completely normal, and please do not be alarmed if you see any changes. You can discuss it with your doctor to get the best picture of your heart health.
Question: What are the red flags for high blood pressure?
Answer: If you have high blood pressure, let your doctor know if you have symptoms like severe headache, difficulty breathing, fatigue/confusion, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, pounding in the chest, neck or ears, vision problems or blood in the urine.