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Mom & Baby Care

Tips For Managing Postpartum Depression And Anxiety

By Apollo 24|7, Published on- 17 May 2023, Updated on -16 June 2023

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For most women, welcoming a newborn into the world is a joyful and transformational experience. However, it is common for new mothers to feel a variety of emotions, including sadness, anxiety, and even depression after delivering the baby. Surprisingly, around 10-15% of new mothers experience postpartum depression and anxiety, which can have a significant impact on their daily lives, relationships, and overall well-being.

However, postpartum depression and anxiety must not be confused with "baby blues", which is a common condition that lasts for a few days or a week after giving birth. Postpartum depression can arise at any time during the first year after childbirth and may necessitate professional intervention. Let us know more about it.

The Signs of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Postpartum depression can result in persistent emotions of despair and hopelessness, whereas postpartum anxiety can result in excessive worry and physical symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath. It is critical to remember that experiencing these symptoms does not reflect a new mother's ability to parent or love her kid. The common signs one must look out for include:

  • Persistent hopeless, or empty feelings
  • Loss of enjoyment in once-enjoyable activities
  • Alterations in sleep or eating habits
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Easily irritated or angry
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Excessive fear or worry, as well as trouble relaxing
  • Nausea, shortness of breath or chest pain

It's crucial to remember that these symptoms may vary in severity and that not all new mothers will experience them. Recovery is achievable with the correct care and assistance.

Coping Strategy for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Typical coping mechanisms include:

  • Getting adequate sleep, eating healthy, and exercising regularly to stay active.
  • Consulting a therapist or healthcare provider for expert guidance.
  • Meeting other new mothers to receive encouragement.
  • Setting reasonable expectations as a new mother.
  • Take support from one's partner, family or friends to take frequent breaks while taking care of the newborn.
  • Try yoga, meditation, and deep breathing to relieve anxiety.
  • Recognise and combat negative self-talk or thoughts with the help of therapy.
  • Identify healthy means of expressing and processing feelings, such as writing in a journal or speaking with a reliable friend or relative.

Tips and Strategies of Self-care for New Mothers

Here are some pointers and tactics to think about:

  • Relaxation or meditation: It's common for new mothers to feel stressed and worried, however, it can be harmful to their physical and mental health. Relaxation or meditation can help reduce stress and improve general well-being. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscular relaxation, guided imagery, and mindfulness are a few efficient methods.
  • Getting adequate sleep: Creating a soothing sleep environment, sticking to a regular sleep schedule, and avoiding stimulating activities (such as using a mobile phone) before sleeping can support excellent sleep hygiene.
  • Consume a balanced diet: A balanced diet for new mothers should contain lots of fruits, vegetables, complete grains, lean protein, and healthy fats.
  • Regular exercises: New mothers should begin with low-impact workouts like brisk walking or gentle yoga, and gradually increase the intensity as their bodies recuperate.
  • Engage in self-compassion: It's common for new mothers to put a lot of pressure on themselves. Self-compassion and mindfulness exercises, such as journaling and meditation, can assist them in better managing their emotions and forming a more positive self-image.
  • Say "no" to commitments or tasks that are burdensome: New mothers can experience pressure to fulfil everyone's needs and do everything. Setting boundaries and saying "no" to obligations or stressful tasks is crucial.
  • Ask for assistance: Finally, new mothers must request help when necessary. Getting assistance with duties like cooking, cleaning, or child care, whether from a husband, a relative, or a professional, can help new mothers manage their workload and place a higher priority on their own physical and mental health.

Preventing Post-Partum Depression and Anxiety in New Mothers

  • One must sit with supportive friends, family, and experts who can help with feelings of isolation
  • Practising self-care through exercise, sleep, and relaxation techniques
  • Communicating with one's partner openly and honestly
  • Understanding the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety
  • Adopting proactive efforts to promote one's mental health and enjoy the journey of parenting

Anxiety and postpartum depression are medical problems that need support and care, yet there is still a stigma attached to them. To eliminate the stigma, women must be willing to talk about their experiences and ask for assistance. To screen and treat postpartum mental health disorders, society must assist new mothers and medical professionals. Maternal mental health can flourish in an environment that is accepting and encouraging.

If you are experiencing signs of postpartum depression and anxiety, consult an expert. Remember, you are not alone, and there is help available to help you get through this difficult time.

Consult Apollo's Expert Doctors


1. What's the distinction between postpartum depression and baby blues?

Postpartum depression is a more severe and long-lasting ailment than baby blues, which typically lasts from a few days to a few weeks after giving birth.

2. Can fathers suffer from postpartum depression and anxiety?

Yes, both fathers and mothers can suffer from postpartum depression and anxiety.

3. What are some of the risk factors for postpartum depression and anxiety?

A history of depression or anxiety, a lack of support, stressful life events, and medical difficulties during or after pregnancy are all risk factors.

4. Can postpartum depression and anxiety resolve themselves on their own?

It may resolve on its own in some circumstances. However, if symptoms are severe or persistent for long, seek medical attention.

5. What sort of doctor should I see for postpartum depression and anxiety?

The condition can be diagnosed and treated by a primary care physician, obstetrician, or mental health professional.

Consult Apollo's Expert Doctors


Medically reviewed by Dr Sonia Bhatt.


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