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Mom & Baby Care

Postpartum Recovery: Answers To The Common Questions Asked By New Moms

By Apollo 24|7, Published on- 05 May 2023, Updated on -16 June 2023

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Postpartum recovery can be a challenging period for new mothers as they navigate through the physical and emotional changes experienced post-childbirth. From healing after delivery to adjusting to the demands of breastfeeding and caring for a newborn, there are many aspects to consider. It is common for new mothers to have questions and concerns about postpartum recovery, but finding reliable information can be overwhelming.

Regardless of whether a new mother is experiencing motherhood for the first time or has given birth before, it is essential to prioritise postpartum recovery and allow time to adjust to the new role. By understanding what to expect and taking care of oneself both physically and emotionally, the postpartum period can be a more positive and fulfilling experience for both the mother and baby.

This article provides answers to common questions asked by new mothers about postpartum recovery.

1. How Do I Care For My Body After Giving Birth?

A vital part of new mothers' postpartum recovery is physical healing. The recovery process can be made more bearable and comfortable by being prepared and knowing how to take care of one's body.

  • Post-partum bleeding: Bleeding from the vagina is common after giving birth. The lochia, or prolonged bleeding, might start heavy and linger for several weeks. It's vital to control bleeding with the proper postpartum products, such as pads or special pants. Consult a healthcare provider if bleeding is extreme or coupled with other symptoms.
  • Perineal care: The perineum, or the area between the vagina and the anus, can be uncomfortable and swollen following vaginal delivery. Soothing treatments, such as cleaning the region with warm water and applying cold packs or witch hazel pads, can help relieve discomfort and encourage healing.
  • Pain management: Although pain is typical after childbirth, there are several strategies for dealing with it. Over-the-counter pain relievers, prescription drugs, and natural cures such as heat therapy and relaxation techniques can help relieve pain.
  • Exercise after childbirth: Exercise can help with postpartum healing, but it's crucial to start carefully and gradually increase the intensity. Kegel and other pelvic floor exercises can help increase muscle tone and avoid problems like urine incontinence. Low-impact workouts, such as walking or yoga, might also be useful.
  • Nutrition and Hydration: Maintaining hydration is essential for postpartum recovery and successful breastfeeding. By consuming plenty of water and other fluids, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and protein, and remaining active you can achieve faster physical healing.

2. How To Seek Emotional Support During The Postpartum Period?

The postpartum period can be emotionally challenging for new mothers as they adjust to their new role and cope with hormonal changes. It's important to prioritise emotional well-being during this time and seek support if needed. Here's a breakdown of some key points to keep in mind:

  • Postpartum blues: After giving birth, a lot of new mothers go through mood changes, crying, and worry. This is referred to as the baby blues and is a typical postpartum symptom. But if these symptoms stay or get worse, it may be an indication of postpartum depression or anxiety.
  • Depression and anxiety: Changes in appetite or sleep patterns, feelings of melancholy or hopelessness, and trouble bonding with the infant are just a few symptoms of postpartum depression. Therapy, medicine, or a combination of the two may be used as treatments.
  • Self-care: During the postpartum time, taking care of yourself is essential for your emotional health. This may mean getting enough rest, following a healthy diet, and taking part in activities you enjoy.
  • Reaching out for support: This may entail speaking with a medical professional, attending a support group, or making friends with other new mothers to improve your mental well-being.

3. How To Balance The Challenges Of Caring For My Newborn With My Own Needs And Well-being?

It can be difficult to care for a newborn, but it's critical to put self-care first during this time. New parents may manage the difficulties of caring for a baby while still prioritising their own needs by creating routines, adopting safe behaviours, and seeking help.

  • Take breaks when you can and get assistance from family or friends.
  • Establish a regular feeding, diapering, and sleeping schedule.
  • Join a support group or make friends with other new parents.
  • Spend some time getting to know the infant by giving them a massage and making skin-to-skin contact.

4. How To Have A Pleasant Nursing Experience?

A key component of new mothers' postpartum healing is breastfeeding. Here are some tips that may help:

  • A good latch: As soon as your baby is born, start working on developing a healthy latch. If you're having trouble, look for a lactation consultant's assistance.
  • Nipple soreness and engorgement: During the initial days after birth the mother may experience soreness in her nipples during nursing. You may ask your gynaecologist for creams and lotions that may ease the pain.
  • Comfortable breastfeeding position: In the first few weeks, try out a few various positions to see which is most comfortable for you and your baby.
  • Breast pump: After the first few weeks, once breastfeeding is established, think about purchasing a breast pump. This can give you a little time for yourself while ensuring the baby is well-fed.
  • Weaning: After your infant has been eating solid foods for six months, you should start considering weaning. Talk to the baby's paediatrician for an appropriate plan.

5. How Do I Take Care Of Myself During Postpartum?

Some tips new mothers can follow during postpartum are:

  • New mothers should prioritise self-care by taking breaks whenever possible and seeking help from family or friends.
  • To reduce stress, it is important to establish a consistent routine for feeding, diapering, and sleeping for the baby.
  • Taking time to bond with the baby through activities like skin-to-skin contact and baby massage can be beneficial for both the mother and the baby.
  • Maintaining healthy eating habits and staying hydrated is essential for postpartum recovery.
  • Getting enough sleep and rest as much as possible is crucial for the physical and mental well-being of the mother.
  • New mothers should make time for themselves to do things they enjoy or find relaxing.
  • It is important to talk to a partner or a trusted friend or a therapist about any emotional challenges one may be facing.
  • Joining a support group or connecting with other new parents can help share experiences and gain support.
  • Do not hesitate to seek professional help if experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety.

To summarise, the postpartum recovery period can be a difficult time for new mothers, but with the correct information and support, it can also be a time for growth and bonding with your newborn. Prioritising physical and mental self-care, getting support when needed, and being informed about postpartum recovery can all make a huge difference in the overall experience.

If you are experiencing any postpartum symptoms, consult our experts.

Consult Apollo's Expert Gynaecologists


Medically reviewed by Dr Sonia Bhatt.


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