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Women Care

Can PCOS Affect Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant?

By Apollo 24|7, Published on- 20 March 2023, Updated on -21 June 2023

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Most women wish to experience motherhood at some point in their life. However, there are various medical conditions that can affect a woman’s ability to conceive. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one such endocrinal disorder, affecting 7-15% of women of reproductive age, which can impact a woman’s fertility adversely. Let us know more about this disorder and how it can be treated. 

What Is PCOS? 

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, causes the ovaries to release an excess amount of androgens (male sex hormone) in the body resulting in an irregularity in the menstrual cycle, weight gain, and reduced fertility. 

Furthermore, women suffering from PCOS may develop insulin resistance, which increases the risk of diabetes. This further increases the risk of developing complications during pregnancy. 

Due to increased body mass index, being overweight and insulin resistance, the odds of getting heart disease and high blood pressure issues also increase in PCOS patients. 

How Does PCOS Affect Your Chances Of Conceiving? 

PCOS can reduce your chances of getting pregnant as it causes:

  • Imbalance of reproductive hormones- In PCOS, your ovaries produce unusually high levels of a male hormone called androgens, resulting in a hormonal imbalance. As a result, there are chances of an irregular menstrual cycle. 
  • Unpredictable ovulation- Notably, ovulation is a process in which an egg is released from the ovary. However, if you have PCOS, then there is a possibility of unpredictable ovulation. This makes it hard to know the fertile window (a period most fertile for getting pregnant). 
  • Ovarian dysfunction- Due to insulin resistance and secretion of androgens, the risk of ovarian dysfunction increases, which directly impacts your chances of getting pregnant. 

How To Manage PCOS?

Till now the causative factors of PCOS are unknown, thus making it difficult to manage. The treatment plan for PCOS includes correcting ovulation defects, managing metabolic issues and maintaining the hormonal level. Some of the common approaches to regulating PCOS are: 

  • Maintaining an ideal weight - In PCOS, maintaining an ideal weight helps to decrease the androgen and insulin levels, thus regulating the ovulation cycle. So, women with PCOS should start taking a balanced diet and follow a regular exercise routine. 
  • Consuming the right medicines - Clomiphene citrate tablets act as an ovulation stimulator medicine and a first choice of treatment in managing PCOS-induced infertility. Women diagnosed with PCOS should get in touch with their gynaecologist to know more about this medication. Furthermore, consuming metformin can also encourage ovulation and the regulation of periods. 

Other reasons that may affect the process of conceiving include thyroid dysfunction, premature ovarian insufficiency, anatomical problems, tubal blockage and cervical issues. A woman trying to conceive should book an appointment with a gynaecologist so that an effective treatment strategy can be planned accordingly. 

Consult Apollo's Expert Gynaecologists


Medically reviewed by Dr Sonia Bhatt.


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