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Health & Nutrition

New Year Health Resolution for 2023

By - 26 December 2022, Updated on -28 December 2022

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Can you believe it? We have already come to the end of the year 2022. It went so fast like a sudden gust of wind. Some have experienced good days and some must haven’t sparked with joy. Every day is a new challenge! It is our responsibility to make more out of it. This year, 2023 will also be challenging but don’t forget you have the power to make it more fruitful.

We hope and pray, that 2023 brings joy and success to each one of your lives. And you can make it even better by setting goals and resolutions and achieving them. Resolutions are not only meant to serve goals but rather to motivate you to move forward.

Some tips before you start making your list of resolutions:

  • Be realistic. Your goal must be practicable.
  • Take baby steps to achieve goal.
  • Plan thoroughly, you better know the hurdles.
  • Evaluate your progress at every interval.
  • Reward yourself after an achievement.
  • It is okay to fall short or miss out.
  • Aim towards better and healthy habits.
  • Keep it doing, don’t stop ever!

Getting a car, switching to an MNC job, buying clothes and cosmetics from a branded shop! Most of us set very materialistic goals. A single goal always be there on everybody’s list favoring your health is exercise and usually and unfortunately no one tries hard to achieve it. Let’s pledge to make 2023 a healthier year. Let’s set all goals toward attaining a healthy routine.

Here are some ideas to make it all possible. Turn to the new page and start making your list of resolutions!

Affirmations to boost your mental health:

Many people feel that affirmation is shit! But trust us, it relaxes your mind and makes you feel positive, helping you to tackle unexpected circumstances. Affirmations shouldn’t be over-confident, but rather direct, practical, empowering, and inspiring.

  • Start your day with- “I am a healthy and happy person”, “I am capable of doing better and I will do much better”, and “Happiness is my choice.”
  • If you are a work professional- “I love what I do and will work on my flaws to contribute better.”
  • If you are a parent- “I am persistent to learn and become a better parent with each passing day.”
  • At the end of the day- “Today was a good day”, “I release all negative thoughts and toxic feelings”, “I will wake up with new strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.”

Daily workout hacks:

There are a lot of forms to include in a daily workout to give your body some spirit and strength--- yoga, meditation, gymnastics, running, walking, etc.

  • Hand and Leg exercisers improve your strength. Make your purchase today from Apollo 24/7.
  • Divide your workouts into sections and follow them.
  • Make a time of 4-5 minutes for stretching while cooking, reading, or working. 
  • Meditate before and after your work or bedtime.

Healthy conversation keeps you calm:

The first and foremost thing is to stop categorizing the conversation as ‘difficult’, or ‘easy’. Always remember, each conversation helps you to build a relationship with a person. Discussion is a crucial step towards success and honesty is the glue that binds you with your team, partner, friends, or family members.

  • Share even negative feedback in an impactful way.
  • Avoid saying no, instead, maintain a solution-oriented approach.
  • Convince that you also need short but peaceful breaks.
  • Take responsibility for your mistakes and learn from them.

Be strict with your routine:

Maintaining your routine is very difficult as every day can’t be the same. There will be one or the other changes in your tasks. But some things you should not compromise at all and it is not even needed. A few routines you must follow at a notch are:

  • Exercise or practice yoga- you can put an alarm.
  • Have your meal on regular schedule.
  • Follow sleep/wake-up time accurately.
  • Keep hydrating yourself at regular intervals.

Understand your body and its need:

We tend to avoid the signal our body gives us on regular basis. For example, if we suddenly crave sweets, it means the body is signaling us to maintain sugar levels. Apollo Pharmacy is with you 24/7 to provide all the products you need.

  • Avoid junk, and follow a healthy diet routine.
  • Follow haircare routine such as oiling and washing your hair.
  • Cleanse and wash your skin, and apply sunscreen daily.
  • Stop avoiding signals for poop, pee, fart, hunger, yawn etc.
  • Communicate with your body, understand your physical needs.
  • Schedule your annual health check-up.

Keeping yourself away from blue rays:

In this digital world, it has become a necessity to keep yourself away from blue rays. You wake up in the morning and the very first thing that you do is look at your phone. We understand, it is difficult, but you can do it. Know how?

  • Track your screen-time and try settling down.
  • Spend time with family, plan for outdoor games.
  • Avoid screens during meal time and bed time.
  • Take a screen-free day or smartphone-free month challenges.

Take efforts to follow these healthy resolutions to keep your mind, body, and soul in a harmony. A healthy mind and healthy body will help you to fulfill your dreams.

Health & Nutrition

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